Mastercard | Kredittsmart
Driving consumer
A successful new website for promoting credit awareness.
Increasing traffic, boosting click-throughs and reducing costs for Mastercard
We’ve been working with Mastercard Managed Services teams in the US, Europe and MEA as a trusted partner for several years. Our work is mainly in creatively executing their issuer marketing plans, and designing campaigns to help issuers grow their card volumes, drive everyday card usage (at home and abroad), and communicate the benefits of smart and safe credit card use.
Kredittsmart, our campaign for Mastercard Norway, outperformed all benchmark KPIs, delivering a 78% increase in web traffic, an increased CTR of 264%, and a 43% reduction in CPC from £0.93 to £0.53.

Creation Agency brings extensive knowledge and experience of Mastercard and digital marketing, fresh creative thinking, and are professional and passionate to work with.