NFT Glossary

From cartoons, such as Bored Ape by Yacht Club (BAYC), to videos like Charlie Bit Me, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity. And with sales reaching $25 billion in 2021, NFTs have become a part of popular culture that is set to continue in 2022. However, are you curious

By |2022-04-01T12:58:09+01:0001.04.22|News|0 Comments

Influencer Trends for 2022

Social media has become an integral part of modern life with the number of users rising every year. In 2021, Facebook recorded 2.8 billion users worldwide, YouTube reached 2 billion and Instagram reported 1.4 billion, showing it is not slowing down. In fact, social media will become even more important

By |2022-04-01T12:57:48+01:0001.04.22|News|0 Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Creation!

At Creation we're passionate about helping to protect our planet. Inspired by COP26 and the EarthShot Prize 21, this year our curiosity led us to find other, even better ways of reducing CO₂ from the earth's atmosphere than planting trees. And we discovered the fastest growing 'tree' is in fact under the sea! Kelp, seaweed and algae are actually the most efficient way to reduce CO₂ and this new ocean economy is key in fighting climate change.

By |2021-12-08T20:35:26+00:0008.12.21|News|0 Comments

All-new Creation

With a new brand look and feel, and so many curious minds working in different, hybrid ways, we assessed our workplace to make sure it suited our new brand, culture and most importantly the wants and needs of our people. We found the perfect place that's modern, adaptable and suitable for all our employees' work/life balance needs.

By |2021-10-26T10:22:09+01:0004.10.21|News|0 Comments

SpenDebt for Business

We're extremely humbled and delighted that SpenDebt has chosen Creation to help launch their B2B micro-payments proposition in the US across key financial inclusion segments. SpenDebt, is an exciting new fintech business, that's focused on financial inclusion and education to help people get out of debt - which is the positive, meaningful type of client we want to be working with.

By |2021-10-26T10:25:30+01:0024.09.21|News|0 Comments

Creation cake-off

On Friday 24th September, our office was buzzing with energy. Employees travelled far and wide to gather together for our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning, and for some it was the first time they had met their colleagues in person.

By |2021-10-26T10:31:09+01:0024.09.21|News|0 Comments

It’s not just about the cat

At Creation, we may love our curious cat but in our weekly pets’ corner we’ve been showing a lot of love for our pet dogs too! Our furry friends are more than just pets, they’re our company when we’re working from home, they keep us fit in our lunch breaks and even contribute to our Zoom calls (sometimes a little too vocally!).

By |2021-10-26T10:26:31+01:0004.09.21|News|0 Comments